

Page history last edited by Steve Dembo 3 years, 5 months ago

30 Days to Being a Better Blogger

 The journey "officially" ended November 30th, but if you're like me, you didn't quite finish

OR you have only just found out about our project.


Please feel free to keep going! Share this wiki (of course Steve Dembo's posts below) with anyone else who's interested in being a better blogger.

~Jen (The Mean Old Library Teacher)




Join us on our journey to becoming better bloggers.

Learn how to hone your message and improve your craft.

If you are participating in the 30 Days Challenge,

please be sure to add yourself to our list of participants!


Our tag: 30D2BBB





Day 1 - All about the About Page

Day 2 - Play in traffic (Site Traffic)

Day 3 - Write a Thank You note

Day 4 - Own your own CContent

Day 5 - Globalize your blog

Day 6 - Get some fresh perspective

Day 7 - Invite somebody to be a Guest Blogger

Day 8 - Comment unto others

Day 9 - Burn baby burn! Your feed, that is

Day 10 - Do you see what they see?

Day 11 - Introduce yourself to another blogger

Day 12 - Declutter your sidebar, part 1 - Blogroll Audit

Day 13 - Declutter your sidebar, part 2

Day 14 - Leave a message at the beep

Day 15 - Find Thyself


Day 16 - Your Greatest Hits

Day 17 - Mobilize Your Blog

Day 18 - Join the Carnival

Day 19 - Who do you love? And why?

Day 20 - Go on a dead link hunt

Day 21 - Give a comment a promotion

Day 22 - Why do you blog?

Day 23 - Plan out your week

Day 24 - Disclose yourself

Day 25 - Add a quick 1000 words to your posts

Day 26 - Tag, you're it!

Day 27 - With a little help from my friends

Day 28 - Link It Up

Day 29 - Be a Rock Star

Day 30 - Choose your own adventure


Comments (2)

Linda704 said

at 11:31 pm on Dec 6, 2008

Just posted my reflections on this challenge: http://tinyurl.com/66rtlu

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