Now in convenient alphabetical order and cleaned up formatting!
Because I said SO
by Allison Bakken
This blog is used for technology in education news, Web 2.0, and to share thoughts with fellow tech-ed teachers. I also keep parents and students posted by linking them from my web site: MRS. BAKKEN
Beth's Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom
by Beth Knittle
A little bit of everything: technology, learning, teaching, networking, universal design in learning, web tools.
May Be Right
by Mike Bryant
A testbed for ideas, dreams and thoughts of a teacher.
by Larry Harms
Opinions and ideas pertaining to technology, entertainment, politics, and lifestyle. I also talk about myself and my life in many of my articles. Humor is infused into many of my posts as well because comedy is everywhere, although sometimes we have to look really hard to find it.
The Catholic Foodie
by Jeff Young
Good food, good wine, friends and celebrations, holidays, recipes, restaurants, cooking, coffee, and the goodness of life... Yum! It's all here.
by Jason Robertshaw
science edu + ocean info
Changing Connections
by RJ Stangherlin
Educating in the Shift. My personal blog.
Christine Southard's Blogspot
by Christine Southard
My blog is a mashup of my experiences as a special education co-teacher and ski instructor who is pursuing a 2nd masters in educational technology and NYS certification in assistive technology.
The Clever Sheep
by Rodd Lucier
As a teacher who has used media and other communications technologies to connect with learners for more than 20 years, I'm looking for opportunities to to engage in meaningful conversations with teachers who see themselves as learners.
by Jennifer Dorman (cliotech)
The musings of an educator and professed webinerd in a flattening world
Connecting the Dots
by Michael Curtin
Thoughts on schools, technology, and culture.
Cruel Shoes: Teaching Truths to Keep us Shod
by Elaine Plybon
A blog that hopes to reveal the realities of teaching in a way that encourages teachers to stay in the profession.
by Dan Froelich
This blog is a personal reflection for most things (not all things) edtech related. As a researcher, educator, and self-proclaimed geek, I write reflections on the state of education and instructional technology.
Edina Technology Integration
Ideas and Tips on Educational Technology from Scott Johnson, Molly Schroeder and Michael Walker
Education in Music
by Theresa White
Thoughts on things that worked, things that didn't, and everything in between.
Eric Strommer's Blog
I started this when I became a STAR Discovery Educator.
I am amazed on how much it has changed since I first started. I blog about what I have found that works with my students when it comes to technology integration, funny/cool/interesting/useful web finds, education issues, and whatever else comes to mind that I think may be worthy to post.
Finding Common Ground
by Michelle Krill
Posts and links for making connections between technology, teaching and learning. Not necessarily in that order!
Fresh Fowlers
By Laurie Fowler
This blog is about the reflections, ideas, and opinions from the mind of Laurie. I blog here to discuss my ideas on education, usually related to technology, but sometimes not. I am passionate about making this world a better place through teaching the next generation how to think. I value my network connections I have made through online and face-to-face contacts and look forward to hearing from more of my readers.
From Bottom Up
by Bob-RJ Bukhart (geoWIZard)
View my page on iConnect iLearn in the 21st Century
NGV takes on "The Green Guide" as National Geographic expands its efforts ...
by Dan Callahan
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's yet another blog about education and technology, mixed with special education, personal musings, and random interests!
Healigan's Home by Leslie Healey
I started this blog to make writing less horrifying (and more frequent) for my students. it has become a great tool for them to connect what we read with what they live. It also includes a changing list of links both useful and fun.
I "Heart" Technology
by Heather Hurley
This is a blog about all the things I love about technology, eduaction and anything else I think of.
Innovative Educator 2.0
by Naomi Harm
Looking to continue the journey of "Inspired Learning" to engage and motivate all K-12 educators and students.
Just In Time Tech
by Nancy Sharoff (aka Ed Tech Diva)
Life (and technology) in perpetual beta.
Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century
by Jo Schiffbauer
Tech tips for teachers.
Learning Curve
by RJ Stangherlin
Straightening the Curve. Designed for student bloggers.
Literacy, Learning and Sharing
by Linda Clinton
Originally started as a place to share what is going on with literacy in my district, it has evolved to a place to share cool things on the web, and some of my own thoughts about learning.
Living On The Lip of Insanity and What Are We? Chewish?
by Kate Tabor
Twitter and Plurk: tabor330
Upper School English teacher, adviser to the school paper and yearbook. I use technology in every class that I teach. Living on the Lip is my blog for reflecting on my teaching practice and What Are We? is my attempt to chronicle the Christian-Jewish salad bowl that is food and family at our house.
Making Connections
by Nic Mobbs (aka Mobbsey)
Creating + Connecting + Collaborating = Possibilities
MAISD Tech Integration
by Diane Zoellmer
Ideas, tips, tricks. links, resources to support educators in my region of MI.
Maru's blog as e-Learner. Insights and Ideas
By Maru del Campo
Here you will find a record of my experiences. I sew ideas, questions and solutions for my teaching/learning projects.
Mean Old Library Teacher
by Jennifer Turney
Mostly book and technology commentary. Branching out a bit, though.
Minnesota Futurists Special Interest Groups (SIG)
by Dick Saunders & Roger Rydberg (Co-Creators)
A PBwiki multi-author collaboratory supporting Sat-AM Future Trends weekly discussions .
This digital library initiative empowers ALL-WinWin Knowledge Management Organizational Learning (KMOL).
meL's Word
by Melissa Rollosson
Thoughts on the challenges of encouraging teachers to use technology in their classrooms. Our small district is fairly technology forward when it comes to hardware but teachers tend to be overburdened and shy away from trying new things.
My Journey into Elementary Tech
by Nedra Isenberg
This blog contains my rambling thoughts regarding my new job as elementary tech teacher for our district and technology in general.
My State of Flux
by Jay Bennett
Musings on educational technology, online learning and a variety of other topics that speak to me, not literally 'cause that would just be crazy!
by Sean Nash
Instructional coach exploring learner-centered constructivism through emerging technologies. Leading a cohort of teachers into real technology ingegration.
Opening Doors to Digital Learning
by Martha Thornburgh (Roswellsgirl)
Enhancing Learning Through Educational Technology
Our School
by Lorna Costantini
Connecting parents and educators using technology. I'm the moderator of the Parents as Partners Webcast Always looking for ideas and sharing about how teachers connect with parents in supporting student achievement.
Pathfinder Passports(cc)
by Bob-RJ Bukhart (geoWIZard)
An ongoing experience in adaptive blended visual learning courseware that empowers Tech-Rich Classroom GeoScouting.
This Kan-Ed Network hyperportal incubated GeoVenturing mapXchange thinkLets.
By Gerald Aungst
A blog about best practices in using differentiation and techology in gifted education.
The Reading Workshop
by Jim McGuire
The Reading Workshop blog shares thoughts, comments, opinions, and ideas about reading from Laurelville's sixth grade language arts. Join us in the discussion of reading and technology in education.
RJ Stangherlin SHS
by RJ Stangherlin
My first school blog; interactive website for students, parents, and learning community.
by Kelly Bauer
Using PEEL methodology in order to implement ICT into the curriculum, with a focus on multimedia
by Robin Martin
Tech tips and links for educators of all grade levels. and Parents Want to Know blog about Internet safety and new updates in the news about programs or ideas for parents/teachers.
Successful Teaching
by Pat Hensley (loonyhiker)
Strategies and Ideas in order to have a successful teaching experience.
Teaching All Students
by Patrick Black
Using assistive technology in the special education classroom.
Teaching the Civil War with Technology
by James R. Beeghley, Ed. D. (aka: Fifer1863)
Curriculum integration strategies and ideas for incorporating technology into the teaching of the American Civil War.
Tech Ice Breaker
by Chris Prout
A blog about integrating technology in the elementary classroom.
Tech Thoughts By Jen
by Jennifer Wagner
Teacher Ideas, Links to Sites, Conference Reflections, etc
Technology Ruminations
by Benjamin Friesen
This blog focuses on ideas and examples of integrating technology into the classroom. I have also been posting items related to a new course I am teaching that teaches students how to use the web/tools/applications as a student.
Technology Teacher
by Faye Valbert, (fivbert) Mills River, NC
"Retired" Technology Teacher's thoughts and info gleaned from serching the internet & still trying to stay in the loop of technology/education.
TechnoTuesday: Cathy Nelson's Professional Thoughts
by Cathy Nelson, (Cathyjo) Myrtle Beach, SC
My blog chronicles my journey into the edtech world as a teacher, librarian, educator, and learner.
Thoughts from a tech specialist...
by Jerry Swiatek
My blog contains a lot of tutorials, reviews of education-related websites and my occasional rants and raves. I've been blogging for about 10 months and I enjoy it very much.
by Lisa Thumann
21st Century ideas to help facilitate good teaching and learning.
by Sarah Johnston
A blog by an urban music educator for urban music educators. I blog about my life as an elementary music teacher in an inner-city school and express my passion for music technology.
Videoconferencing Out on a Lim
by Janine Lim
One distance learning coordinator’s experiences, curriculum thoughts, and technology rants related to k12 videoconferencing.
Virtual High School Meanderings
by Michael K. Barbour
This blog focuses upon issues pertaining to distance education within the K-12 system, specifically the use of virtual high schools.
Wired Moodlerooms FAQ
by Bob-RJ Bukhart (geoWIZard)
View my page on iConnect iLearn in the 21st Century
A PBwiki FAQ template crafted for PlurkScoutNet inspired by Plurker Bently Richert
Yes Tech!
by Pam Shoemaker (shoemap)
I write about all things ed-tech (PD, journal articles, tips, classroom projects, etc.)
Comments (6)
abakken said
at 11:37 pm on Nov 12, 2008
Blogging has been a part of my life for only the past 6 months, but I plan to continue this awesome journey! I am the techno-freak (as they call me at school) and technology mentor at my district. I teach in a small community outside of Helena, Montana. I live in the mountains so it is vital for my students to connect to the outside and virtual world. Please visit my blog, web site or add me on twitter, plurk, and/or facebook: abakken
It is great to have all these connections and wonderful blogs to view!
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 5:40 pm on Nov 17, 2008
Worked with Minnesota Futurists (2002-2004) to triangualte digital library initiatives for 2007 World Future Society Conference featuring global Education Futures forums.
Adapterd UH-Manos's HICSS-34 Conference ThinkLets paper to champion reusable learning objects for advanced distributed learning networks via
fivbert said
at 6:12 pm on Nov 17, 2008
I am new to all this wiki stuff; I was wondering why I am not listed as a participant. I requested access and have a password; at least that is how I got here; able to comment;
fivbert said
at 11:09 pm on Nov 17, 2008
OK, I am still really new at this. I tried to add my information in the participant list, but it shows the HTML tag; not like the others. Can someone fix it and then tell me what I should have done?
Bob-RJ Burkhart said
at 4:17 am on Nov 18, 2008
Kudos Faye Valbert (fivebet) - A perfect way to become a stakeholder rather than remaining as a sideline spectator! Forget the HTML Code haking here & use the LINK Icon (Globe with Infinite Loop) to insert your URL, eMail address, or links to other pages in this hyperlinked collaborative digital library ...
Dan Callahan said
at 6:34 pm on Nov 18, 2008
Thank you, people who have continued to maintain the alphabetical order since I painstakingly organized it. It was driving me crazy.
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